Tax Day is less than one month away so here are some stories that may help with your 2018 return:
The definition of “taxable income” may be broader than you realize and Money Talks News lists 8 things you probably didn’t realize are taxable like…bribes?
Although only 1.1% of tax returns get audited, you’re more likely to come under scrutiny if your return has any of the 7 red flags that could trigger an IRS audit according to USA Today.
Procrastinators beware! This Huffington Post article reveals what happens if you file or pay your taxes late.
Can’t pay what you owe this year? Personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary explains what NOT to do in her Washington Post column.
Finally, let’s take a break from taxes: California representative Devin Nunes had a cow about Twitter and it did not go well for him.
Have a great weekend!