Friday Round-Up: Fun and Games Edition

Hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July! We’re extending the fun to this round-up of interesting posts from the web:

Does managing your money with mobile apps sound like drudgery to you? According to this Forbes piece, personal finance can be fun thanks to three apps that gamify the experience.

Money Crashers has a post on how to use your hobbies to make money.

The Simpsons is known for its cutting satire–and personal finance lessons according to this article from Thrive Global.

Summertime used to be a season for teenagers making money, but lately they’re too busy with extracurricular activities to hold down a summer job. According to USA Today, only one-third of teens have a summer job.

Saving expert shares how you can make extra money online from playing gamings and using gig apps to score cash fast.

Finally, there’s nothing more fun than freebies and Money Talks News has a list to check out. And, for more ways to save, learn how to make money from your phone or discover game apps to win real money.

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